This page reports the results of BEEPS (ES) aggregated at the country (or groups of countries) and survey level; it works best with Microsoft Edge or Google Chrome. The presented indicators are calculated as weighted averages within the selected subgroups of establishments defined by the sector, size and age. Therefore, these indicators aim at describing the features of the underlying sub-populations of enterprises. There are two exceptions from this rule. First, the two General information indicators do not represent any survey results but provide additional information necessary to interpret the findings. Second, the age dimension was not used in the stratified survey design, hence a specific firm age can be combined only with “All sectors” and “All sizes” categories. Nevertheless, any indicators calculated for a specific firm age should be treated with caution. For detailed information on survey design and implementation see the Data section.

Please select the indicator from the dropdown menu to display the values.

Excel file (.xlsx) to be open in MS Office 2007 or newer. Data and descriptive information are provided on separate sheets. Could be imported to Stata.

Text file with columns separated by comma. Includes only data, no descriptive information provided. Could be imported to Stata or R.